If you have a bank account with us, you can conveniently make an instant payment from your bank account towards your credit card balance using your online or mobile banking. Additionally, you can make an online transfer from your non-CBD Account, at a nominal fee which may be charged by your bank.
CBD Phone Banking
Just dial 600 527223 toll free to make your payment through Interactive Voice Response system (IVR).
Standing instruction/account transfer
Pay you credit card bill by giving us standing instruction or account transfer instruction to debit your CBD account on the payment due date.
Cheque and Cash Deposit Machines (CDMs)
You can deposit a cheque for your credit card payment through our CDMs. Please remember to write the credit card number and the mobile number on the back of the cheque. Additionally, you can deposit cash from our Cash Deposit Machines to pay for your credit card balances.
Direct Debit
You can make your credit card payments through a Direct Debit from your CBD or non-CBD account to ensure your credit payment is paid regularly and conveniently every month on time.
Exchange House
You can make your CBD credit card payment at an exchange house through the UAE Funds Transfer System (UAEFTS). Please check with the exchange house if they support CBD credit card payments. Exchange house may levy a transaction fee for accepting the credit card payments.
CBD Al Islami credit cards are more secure in association with verified by Visa Secure Code. It will help you to protect your cards against unauthorized use. When you perform online transactions, you will receive your one time password (OTP) on your mobile number. Learn more
Fraud monitoring
Dedicated fraud monitoring team will get in touch with you if there are suspicious transactions. Alternatively, if you suspect any fraudulent transactions, call us on 600 527223 immediately.
Travelling Abroad
When you are going abroad
While travelling abroad, use your credit card just as you would at home.
You can use the card in most countries worldwide – both for shopping and withdrawing cash.
If you need to speak to us while you are abroad, you can contact us on the number displayed on the back of your credit card or call us on +971 4 2112888.
Before you travel
So we know to expect international card use, ensure you tell us your destination and departure date. Please inform us in advance by calling 600 527223.
Check your credit card to make sure it doesn’t expire while you are abroad.
Consider setting up standing order instructions to cover any payments due while you are away. Alternatively, you can always use CBD Online Banking, Mobile Banking.
Relevant links
Key Facts Statement
We kindly request you to carefully read and understand this document, If you are applying for a Credit Card (CARD) from Commercial Bank of Dubai