Savings & Deposits

Save your money with one of Dubai's most trusted institutions

We offer a suite of convenient and reliable Shari'ah compliant solutions to save and grow your money.

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Enhance your saving abilities with our range of different accounts to suit your goals.

Savings and Deposits
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Al Islami Savings Account

Compliant saving scheme under the principle of 'Mudaraba'.

Savings and Deposits

Al Islami GreenGrowth Account

High returns with maximum flexibility.

Savings and Deposits
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Mudaraba Investment Deposit

Our innovative product is designed to help you build your wealth in a Shari'ah compliant manner.

Savings and Deposits
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Wakala Investment Deposit

Plan your long-term investments with different tenure options.

Savings and Deposits
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Bonus Booster Deposit

Build up your savings through regular monthly deposits starting from AED 1,000 with one of UAE’s most trusted institutions.

Savings and Deposits
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Premium Saver Deposit

Build up your savings, double your interest - and your bonus.

Savings and Deposits
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Step-Up Deposit

We make planning for your future easy by providing fixed returns on your money.

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