List of fees and charges – Wholesale Banking Group

Product and Services - Schedule of Charges

Account TypeBasic/ Gold/ TijariPlus/ Platinum/ Tijari Plus
Minimum Monthly Average Balance (RIM Level)AED 1,000,000 (or in equivalent currency)AED 3,000,000 (or in equivalent currency)
Minimum relationship balance charges (fall below fee)AED 500 per monthAED 600 per month
Account services fee 
Account closure within 12 monthsAED 350 per accountAED 350 per account 
Escrow Accounts
Escrow Accounts – Set Up FeeAED 10,000 per projectAED 10,000 per project 

Annual Maintenance Fee
As per agreed contract with the clientAs per agreed contract with the client
Transfer fees (if account is being transferred to another account trustee)AED 20,000 per projectAED 20,000 per project
 Standing Instructions  
  Manual Online Manual Online
Set up fee AED 100 per set up AED 25 per set upAED 50 per set upAED 25 per set up
Amendment / CancellationAED 100 per set upAED 15 per set upAED 50 per set upAED 15 per set up
Execution chargeAED 15 per transactionAED 15 per transaction
Failure due to insufficient fundsAED 30 per transactionAED 30 per transaction
Remittances: Incoming*Per Transaction
Local within UAEAED 1 (on applicable transaction types)
AED 1 (on applicable transaction types)
International RemittanceAED 45AED 20
Remittances: OutgoingPer Transaction

Manual/ Smart Form Electronic
Manual/Smart Form
Local within UAEAED 500 AED 15 AED 500 AED 10
International outside UAEAED 500AED 25 AED 500 AED 20
Transfer within own accountAED 250 FreeAED 250 Free
Transfer within CBD accountAED 250FreeAED 250  Free
Managers Cheques/ DD  
Managers ChequesAED 150 per chequeAED 75 per cheque
 Demand Drafts  AED 150 per draftAED 75 per draft

Cheque Book (Account Payee Cheques Onlyl)
  • 1st cheque book free
  • AED 150 for each additional cheque book (50 cheque leaves)
  • 1st cheque book free 
  • AED 100 for each additional cheque book (50 cheque leaves)
Inward clearing cheques (payments made by clients)FreeFree 
Special Clearing (inward and outward)AED 205 per chequeAED 205 per cheque
Outward clearing cheques Free Free
Return cheques: inward clearing (payments made by clients) AED 500 per cheque AED 350 per cheque
Return Cheques: Outward Clearing AED 50 per cheque AED 50 per cheque
Special Cheque Book  
Special cheques (per 1,000 cheques)
  • A4 size stationery with top or bottom cheque and with company logo - AED 3,000
  • A4 size stationery with top or bottom cheque and without company logo - AED 2,500
  • A4 size continuous stationery with company logo - AED 2,750
  • A4 size continuous stationery without company logo - AED 2,500
iCollect - Corporate Cheque Scanning Solution

Implementation ChargeFreeFree
Quarterly Non Utilization Fee (entity level)AED 500 AED 500
Monthly Maintenance (including iDoc service charge)AED 1,250 per scannerAED 1,000 per scanner
Service CancellationAED 1000 per scannerAED 1000 per scanner
iPrint - Corporate Cheque Printing Solution

Implementation ChargeFree
Printing at Client premises***AED 200 per monthAED 100 per month
Service cancellation AED 1000 per set upAED 1000 per set up
Post Dated Cheques (PDC) Management 

PDC Collection AED 15 per cheque AED 15 per cheque 
PDC date extensionAED 25 per chequeAED 15 per cheque 
PDC withdrawalAED 25 per chequeAED 15 per cheque
PDC reportAED 50 per report per account (manual retrieval)AED 50 per report per account (manual retrieval)
Cash Deposits

Cash Deposit - Over the Counter
  • AED 50 per transaction for amount deposited up to AED 500,000
  • 0.05% of the total cash deposited for amounts of AED 500,000 or above
  • AED 40 per transaction for amount deposited up to AED 500,000
  • 0.05% of the total cash deposited for amounts of AED 500,000 or above
Cash Deposit -  Cash Deposit MachineFree
Cash Withdrawal
Cash Cheque Withdrawal/ Cash Withdrawals at CounterFree up to 5 transactions per month per account
AED 50 per transaction thereafter
Free up to 10 transactions per month per account
AED 50 per transaction thereafter
Cardless Cash Withdrawals from CBD ATM's Free Free
Payroll Processing/Rateb Cards/ Now Money

Rateb one time set up
  • AED 500 for companies less than 50 employees
  • AED 1,500 for companies with more than 50 employees
  • AED 500 for companies less than 50 employees
  • AED 1,500 for companies with more than 50 employees
Rateb – Card IssuanceAED 10 per card
AED 10 per card
  Manual Electronic Manual Electronic
Rateb/ NowMoney - Payroll Processing WPS
  •  AED 1,000 Per file plus AED 7 Per card
  • AED 100 Per month per MOL ID 
  • AED 7 Per card
  • AED 100 Per month per MOL ID
  •  AED 1,000 Per file plus AED 6 Per card
  • AED 100 Per month per MOL ID 
  •  AED 6 Per card
  • AED 100 Per month per MOL ID
WPS MOL ID Registration AED 100 per month per MOL ID AED 100 per month per MOL ID
WPS MOL ID – Cancellation AED 500 per MOL ID AED 500 per MOL ID
WPS Transfers to other BanksAED 3 per recordAED 2 per record
Non WPS transfers to other banks AED 50 per bank AED 50 per bank
Pension Payments - File level (Manual)  AED 1,000 per file   AED 1,000 per file 
Pension Payments (Online)
AED 100 per file
AED 100 per file
Pension Payments – Processing FeeAED 5 per recordAED 5 per record
Payment Gateway - E-Commerce  
Implementation Fee
As per structure agreed with the clientAs per structure agreed with the client
Monthly Maintenance Fee
As per structure agreed with the client
As per structure agreed with the client
As per structure agreed with the client
As per structure agreed with the client
iDoc – Cheque Collection Service  
Monthly Charges
AED 850 per location 
AED 850 per location
iCash – Cash Collection Solution/Delivery Service
Un-Verified Cash Collection Service
AED 150 per trip per location
AED 150 per trip per location
 Un-Verified Cash Collection Service - Cash Processing Charges AED 10 per 1,000 Notes and AED 5 per 1,000 Coins AED 10 per 1,000 Notes and AED 5 per 1,000 Coins
Cash Deposit Centre**
AED 30 per deposit slip
AED 30 per deposit slip
Cash Deposit Machine (CDM) Customer Site As per structure agreed with the clientAs per structure agreed with the client
SCDM Relocation AED 1000 per machine per relocation AED 1000 per machine per relocation
iBusiness -Corporate Internet Banking
iBusiness - Implementation
Monthly Service Charge 
Transaction Authorization Token
First 2 Tokens - Free
Additional Physical Tokens - AED 75 per Token
Additional Soft Tokens - AED 50 per Token
First 2 Tokens - Free
Additional Physical Tokens - AED 75 per Token
Additional Soft Tokens - AED 50 per Token
Training Support
First Training free
Additional Training – AED 250 per session
First Training free
Additional Training – AED 250 per session
 SWIFT Copy Download  Free  Free 
iBusiness Cancellation Charges
AED 1,000 per setup
AED 500 per setup
iConnect - Corporate Host-to-Host Solution

Implementation ChargeAs per agreed contract with the client, Minimum AED 10,000 Per Set Up As per agreed contract with the client, Minimum AED 10,000 Per Set Up
Monthly Maintenance Charge
AED 750 per month per set up
AED 500 per month per set up
Cancellation Charge
AED 1,000 per account AED 1,000 per account
Corporate Cards  
Implementation Fee
As per structure agreed with the clientAs per structure agreed with the client
Corporate Purchasing Card
As per structure agreed with the clientAs per structure agreed with the client
Corporate Travel & Entertainment Card
As per structure agreed with the clientAs per structure agreed with the client
iDirect - Corporate Direct Debit Solution

Originator Registration
AED 1,000 per originatorAED 500 per originator AED 1,000 per originator AED 500 per originator
Mandate RegistrationAED 5 per mandate
AED 5 per mandate AED 5 per mandate
AED 5 per mandate
Mandate Amendment / Cancellation
AED 5 per mandate

AED 5 per mandate

Direct Debit Processing
AED 1 per record
AED 1 per record
Originator Cancellation
AED 1,000 per originatorAED 1,000 per originator
Payer Set Up
AED 200 per set up
AED 200 per set up
Payer Confirmation
AED 25 per confirmation
AED 25 per confirmation
Payer Cancellation
AED 100 per cancellation
AED 100 per cancellation
Payer Amendment
AED 100 per amendment
AED 100 per amendment
Liquidity Management Solutions

Implementation Fee
AED 750 per account AED 500 per account 
Monthly Maintenance FeeAED 75 per account per month (not to exceed 10,000 per month)AED 50 per account per month (not to exceed 10,000 per month)
Cancellation AED 500 per accountAED 500 per account

Implementation Fee AED 1,500 per account AED 1,000 per account  
Monthly Maintenance Fee AED 10,000 or AED 125 per account AED 10,000 or AED 100 per account 
Cancellation AED 500 per account AED 500 per account 
Inter- Company Sweeps Reporting   
Inter-Company Sweeps Reporting ImplementationBy Arrangement By Arrangement
 Receivable Management Solutions  
Invoice Upload Charge By Arrangement By Arrangement
Invoice Reconciliation By Arrangement By Arrangement
Mirror Account Maintenance By Arrangement By Arrangement
Mirror Account Subscription By Arrangement  By Arrangement
Value Added Services

International Payment - Fate
AED 80 per message AED 40 per message
MT940 (for Company use only)AED 100 per month per account (free for Host to Host clients)AED 50 per month per account (free for Host to Host clients)
MT940 (Reporting to other banks)AED 150 per account per month  AED 75 per account per month 
SMS Notification ( Free for Debits)FreeFree
Miscellaneous Charges

Stop payment of chequeAED 100 per chequeAED 50 per cheque
Stop payment of lost cheque bookAED 500 per cheque bookAED 100 per cheque book
Manual Issuance of Statements - Account Statement, Corporate Credit Cards & Other Statement RequestsAED 500 per statement AED 500 per statement
Audit/ Balance Sheet Letter/ Reference Letter Online - AED 250 per letter 
Manual - AED 500 per letter 
 Online - AED 250 per letter 
Manual - AED 500 per letter 
SWIFT Copies of Remittances AED 200 per messageAED 100 per message
Manual Retrieval of Transaction RecordAED 100 - per transaction
 AED 100 - per transaction
Non submission of renewed Trade License copy (Expired Trade License)AED 350 per trade license 
 AED 350 per trade license 
Trade License Update (Manual)AED 150 per trade license  AED 150 per trade license 



Detail warning message here.

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