For 54 years, CBD has had the privilege of a social licence to operate in the UAE. We retained this licence through an unending commitment to our corporate and social responsibility initatives.
In recent years the stakes have risen. Retaining our social licence requires us to hold ourselves to account for the impact we as an organisation are having on future generations, and means we need to become a sustainable business.
Becoming a sustainable business is a key ingredient for long-term success. It builds a foundation of trust and cooperation between us and the corporations we serve, ultimately leading to a more sustainable future for us all. However, it is not easy. It requires change, and change is an area in which CBD excels.
CBD is committed to supporting the UAE Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative. Our Sustainable Finance Framework represents a key milestone in CBD’s strategy, to drive the development of sectors and sustainability driven products and services that will help accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future through our core business activities.
Sustainable Finance Framework Second Party Opinion on Sustainable Finance Framework Green Bond ReportBeing a responsible business is integral to our success, and that of the customers, clients, shareholders and communities we serve. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is embedded in our values and informs how we conduct business, develop products and services and deliver on our goals and commitments.
Our CSR PolicyAccessibility